Weekend Review

Thought I would try and start this week with a review of the weekend, so here goes with this one just gone. I got the inspiration for this from the lovely Jo who's blog I have been following for a while now.

Tom worked a night shift on Friday so as I was awake when he came home I got up to let him get some sleep. I had a quick coffee and decided that now was the perfect time to nip to Primark in Marble Arch to pick up some trainer socks for holiday. I checked the opening times and managed to get there about 20 mins or so after the doors opened. It was heaven, the store was neat and tidy and most importantly it was empty - happy days. Anyway the first things that I picked up were the socks I had planned to get, however by the time I actually left the store 2 tops, 2 fleece throws, an acrylic storage pot, a few beauty items and a usb power bank had all fallen into my basket!! Ooops how did that happen???

Honestly I did intend to only buy socks.......

After I got home I decided that I would clean the kitchen and boy did I clean it! By the time I had finished it was gleaming and it smelt divine thanks to all the lovely Spanish cleaning products I had just stocked up on. I plan to do a future post about the Spanish home and bath/body products I have been using but if you want an idea take a look at the Limon Casa website. I also had a little clear out as I was going along and I got rid of a few odds and ends here and there so now we have a clean and a very well organized kitchen. Once that was finished I gave the spare/craft room a quick going over too, seems like I was in domestic goddess mode!! ha, ha.

Hubby was at work again Saturday night so I made the most of the peace and quiet and after a long soak in a bubbly bath I curled up on the sofa with a large G&T to watch some films. It was bliss to have total control of the remote but I do miss him when he is not here.

Another early start for me as again I woke and got up when Tom came home. I made a coffee and headed straight for my craft room where I managed 2 layouts - woo hoo! That's last years trip to Portugal all scrapped, slowly but surely I am catching up! Only Spain, several family birthdays and Christmas to do before I can start on scrapping 2017. Here is one of the layouts I created, very simple but that's how I scrap.

Himself didn't sleep for too long so once he was up and dressed we headed out for a little walk along the river. It was a lovely day, bright and sunny at times but it was a little on the chilly side. The stretch of riverside between Tower and London Bridges was packed, tourist season is in full swing already. We headed home after an hour or so as I wanted to finish clearing out my wardrobes and Tom wanted to watch some football. I also sorted out all of my make up and moved it from a cluttered, dirty and smelly case to some fab acrylic storage drawers/units that I found on Amazon.

I am so pleased that I can now easily see and find my make up, plus the neat freak in me loves that I can store everything by product group. It will probably undergo a few re-arrangements in the coming days but I am so happy with it. All I need now is a new mirror, looking for a light up/flip over one if anyone can suggest a good one?

Oh and talking of make up etc these fab mermaid style brushes arrived today. They are so pretty and super, super soft. I can't wait to give them a try out.

I hope that you all had a good weekend and that the week ahead is kind to you.

Thanks for stopping by and having a read. Please leave me a comment, I love to read them. Also feel free to make some suggestions for future posts.

Love and hugs,



1 comment

misteejay said...

Funny how we come home with more than we intended, isn't it LOL.
Pretty LO.
Well done on your cleaning and organisation - those brushes look fabulous.
Toni xx