Its November

Another month over and another month closer to the end of 2017, this year has honestly gone by so fast. I cant quite believe that all the things we had planned are now done and we are now starting to put things in the diary for 2018.

This has been a fairly quiet week for me, nothing more than work and them home to do some chores, cook dinner and relax. I am not complaining though as that's pretty much how I like it at this time of year, by the time I get home from work its too cold and dark to be outside doing anything anyway.

I recently re-discovered my love of Twitter and have found a few new people to follow, mostly either related to Disney or beauty. One of the people I now follow is Dave Lackie who is the editor in chief of a luxury beauty digital magazine (link to Daves website is here if you want to take a look). Dave is a really nice guy, he always replies to questions or comments and each day he has some gorgeous high end product to give away to one of his followers. Last week I re-tweeted one such give away which was a Estee Lauder lipstick and highlighter and to my absolute delight I won! I was chuffed to bits when I got the message to say congratulations as I never, ever expected to win. My gorgeous goodies arrived all the way from Canada in just a couple of days which is pretty amazing and they look fab, I cant wait to try them out.
The weekend was a pretty quiet affair for us. Tom worked on Saturday so I as I had nothing to do and nowhere to go I just had a lovely lazy day at home which was idea given that it was such a miserable, damp grey day. I pottered about doing some bits and pieces around the flat before heading to my craft room where I managed to complete three more layouts for the Disney section of my holiday scrapbook. Only a couple more photos left to scrap and then I can move onto the Vegas pics or one of the hundreds of other photos that are currently vying to be added to a scrapbook.
Sunday was another chilled out relaxed day and for the first time in ages Tom wasn't working - yay!! I was somewhat of a domestic goddess and I did my menu planning for the next week or so and based on that we went and did a quick Tesco shop. We now we have a fridge full of lovely healthy food that will see us through for the coming couple of weeks, will just need to top up on fresh stuff every couple of days or so. I made us some veggie soup for lunch and then we curled up to watch some more Florida/Disney vlogs. I think this is pretty much going to be our normal weekend routine during the Winter months, unless we have somewhere else that we need to be. I better get that YouTube playlist filled up.

I hope that you all had a good weekend, did you do anything exciting?

Thanks for stopping by, please leave me a comment to let me know you have been here and if you have a blog of your own feel free to leave me a link so I can pop by.

Love and hugs, Jane x

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